Hi, I’m Sarah

some of you might already know me from instagram @sarahtravelicious, but since I mainly post pictures with just a few information about my destinations, I have decided to start blogging on a website.

I can share more information with you here and you get the advantage to look exactly on the destinations that you are interested in, without the need of scrolling through my whole wall on instagram. Don’t get me wrong, cause I still love to keep on posting on instagram, but there is limited space to share information below the posts and blogging on a website is definitely different and something that I always wanted to do. Of course, I am happy, if you like both and follow me on instagram too!

you should read my blog, if you are interested in travel content all around the world, but to be more specific I will share content about;

  • where I have been so far and where I am heading next to
  • my highlights on past destinations
  • travel budget tips
  • reviews on hotels and Airbnb’s
  • sometimes also just about my lifestyle and what traveling has taught me so far

I will share this in a blog and not just in a private diary, cause I want to inspire and help people with my ideas and experiences. I have known from myself that it’s always good when you get inspired for something new. This is happening all the time to everyone when you see personalized advertisements or read reviews before you buy something new. Since I have already traveled a lot and I am learning more and more through the time, I feel like it’s a good idea to finally start with my own blog.

Please don’t hesitate to ask me something whenever you feel the need. I am more than happy to help or get in contact with people from all around the world!

🇮🇸 Glaciers in Iceland, March 2020 🇮🇸

#introduction #blogentry #travel